If you use Lightroom 75% or more of your processing time. Then OJS Lightroom Presets are for you.
I do most everything in Lightroom when it comes to processing my images.
Clean up, dodge, burn, pop eyes, remove red eye, whiten teeth,
By the time I get to Photoshop all I usually do is double check skin tones. And if I want to go vintage or add a bit of haze- then I do so.
OJ Presets are designed to make your post-processing life easier. Just like my actions, OJ presets are totally tweakable.
I want you to tweak them!
Tweak the Exposure.
Play a main preset.
Now hit it with some booster presets to fine tune and create your own signature looks.
Booster presets are added to nearly every set to make full customization fast and easy.
OJ Presets are designed primarily on RAW natural light images, usually outdoors or some amazing window lighting indoors.
(jpg presets coming soon!)
From clean color, sweet color shifts, vintage, sweet color to black and white presets- Olive Juice has it ALL.
If you are looking to boost your mad Lightroom skillz-
Check out my simple tutorials, before & afters, tips and tricks. More added on bit by bit.
Videos added soon! Stay tuned!
Amy Beth